The portal was represented at the international meeting

The portal was represented at the international meeting

The portal was represented at an event organized by the Asian Development Bank and the Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program to discuss the role of multi-mission organizations in startup ecosystems.
According to, the meeting's moderator, Arndt Husar, an Asian Development Bank specialist in digital transformation and startup ecosystems, the startup map will play an important role in resource exchange, the development of a reliable information network, and the establishment of relationships between the creators of the startup ecosystem and stakeholders based on the CAREC digital strategy. Following that, opportunities for collaboration to improve the startup and innovation ecosystem, the importance of regional and international mentoring, multi-mission organization initiatives, and investment opportunities were discussed.

Vusala Jafarova, Department Head of Economic Reforms Analysis and Communication Center, informed the participants about the services offered by the portal, as well as the country's experience in attracting investments and accelerator support for Azerbaijani start-ups.
At the meeting, representatives from the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the US Agency for International Development, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the World Bank, and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture gave presentations.
